Magento – Magento’s sales orders report is wrong


We use the Sales orders report to know how many bucks we earn. For this reason we update the statistic every day by a cron job. But the report has wrong values. Nothing it's equal to the values that we get by adding manually or adding by SQL query over the sales_flat_order table (only for status='complete').

The view Sales orders show all orders correctly.

I can't understand why the report supply wrong data. What can I do to fix this problem?

Best Answer

2 issues may be here,

First the timezone one - There’s been an issue for some time with the date pickers in the admin screens being in inconsistent timezones. Internally everything is saved to the database in Universal Time (essentially GMT) and the user facing elements such as date pickers and report results should be shifted to your locale’s time, however some actions haven’t been caught so you’re actually getting GMT based results in some cases.

The bigger issue for reports though is refreshing the statistics. Try hitting

Report > Refresh Statistics

and refreshing them all manually and see if it’s still wrong. Even though the last updated dates look right for me and all cron jobs appear to be working I find I get these same errors unless I do this.

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