Magento – Magmi import extra images, how


First of all, thanks for MAGMI, Dweeves

I've been able to get Magmi working to import the product data without an issue.

The image, small_image and the thumbnail are visible on admin and front-end.

I am trying now for days to import the rest of the additional images, but so far I have no luck.

The image name is the same as the SKU,
for example 9781907339363.jpg, SKU is 9781907339363.

The additional images are 9781907339363_01.jpg, 9781907339363_02.jpg, 9781907339363_03.jpg …etc…


SKU, image,"additional image"
1000629871, 1000629871.jpg, "1000629871.1.jpg, 1000629871.2.jpg, 1000629871_3.jpg" …etc…

I hope that it is not a option to put all off these additional images by name in the csv file, i have about 50.000 SKU and about 120.000 images.
So not all the SKU has addional images.

I hope somebody can give me a direction how to import the addional images.

Magmi : 0.7.18

Image attributes processor : 1.0.25

Best Answer

In your CSV file, the header for your extra images must be titled : media_gallery

then is should contain the following structure for additional images:


(note 1: in this example the separator is ; so make sure it's the case in your magmi settings)

(note 2: image, small_image, thumbnal, image_label, thumbnail_label must also be in the CSV. In other words, you must not include the first image inside media_gallery, but only the additional ones.

More info from the magmi wiki:*

I hope this helps.

edit - your images must be located in media/import Are your images taken from a remote url ? Or are they on your magento server ?

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