Magento – Magmi Import ‘price’ Update Issue


So, after doing a Magmi Import to a product with 'price' included, whilst looking through the product catalog in the back-end of Magento, it will appear as if the product hasn't been changed (price stays as old price) along with looking at the product in a category view in front-end.

However, if going into the actual product editor in the back-end, OR going to the actual product page in front-end, it shows the proper updated price. Also, if you now save the product in back-end, it will save the new price to where it can be seen everywhere properly.

Any idea why this happens and how it can be done to import the new price and have it working in all areas?

MAGmi: v0.7.22 //
Magento: CE1.9.3.2


I have done the re-indexing and cleared cache many a time, this is actually a recurring issue that I've had for a while, just now taking the opportunity to try and resolve it rather than manually fix.

Best Answer

Try these below, might be it's help for you.

Solution 1 :-

Have you performed a Re-Index after import?(Or have "Magmi Magento Reindexer" Plugin enabled on import) That should fix the issue and show updated price also in frontend category view

Re-Indexed only product prices index?

Probably also re-index for product flat data index is required for update price everywhere. Or go for a full re-index (which is what Magmi reindexer would do) to verify its indeed an issue with indexes and not related to something else (e. g. some cache, FPC etc.)

Solution 2:-

To work with multistore, you MUST vary on "store" column putting storeviews code, not on "websites" column.


store, sku, price

abc, 1001, 5.00

bab, 1001, 7.00

should do it.

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