Magento – Magneto2 – How to remove product image fullscreen and zoom in mobile product page


I want to enable product zoom and fullscreen light box on desktop but disable them on mobile. I am working on 2.1.6 in theme etc/view.xml.
I can remove/enable product images fullscreen light box on desktop.

<var name="allowfullscreen">false</var> <!-- Turn on/off fullscreen (true/false) -->

remove/enable product image zoom in desktop

<var name="magnifier">
    <var name="enabled">false</var> <!-- Turn on/off magnifier (true/false) -->

I tried to apply this in mobile breaks points like below, but it does not work for both fullscreen and zoom.

<var name="breakpoints">
    <var name="mobile">
        <var name="conditions">
            <var name="max-width">767px</var>
        <var name="options">
            <var name="options">
                <var name="nav">dots</var>
                <var name="allowfullscreen">false</var>
                <var name="magnifier">
                    <var name="enabled">false</var> <!-- Turn on/off magnifier (true/false) -->

Thanks for any help and comments

Best Answer

I also faced same issue and then found the below working solution. Hope will help someone.

   <var name="breakpoints">
        <var name="mobile">
            <var name="conditions">
                <var name="max-width">767px</var>
            <var name="options">
                <var name="options">
                    <var name="nav">thumbs</var>
                    <var name="allowfullscreen">false</var> <!--If want full screen then make it true. Zoom function will automatically disabled-->
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