Magento – Main Image not updating when swatch is selected Magento 2.0.8


Having an issue on Magento 2.0.8 where I have a configurable product and simple products associated with it.

The simple product have images and on the configurable product there are swatches shown for each one of the simple products. But when you select one the main image does not change.

I have checked the settings and everything looks okay. Has anyone else had this issue?

Best Answer

I have experienced similar issues and am unsure if this may be a bug MAGETWO-57210 or MAGETWO-70169 on github.

For me this went away by doing the following however, check "Visible on Catalog Pages on Storefront" and "Used in Product Listing" for the attribute are set to "yes".

There were other fixes suggested here however, the above is what fixed for me.