Magento – MAMP: how to start php-fpm


I've always been using Apache with MAMP successfully, and now I need to tinker around setting up multi-stores with subdirectories in an Nginx environment.

I'm following pretty much the vanilla configurations using "TCP connection upstream fastcgi_backend". I actually don't understand what this means. Magento provides a snippet of configs like this.

upstream fastcgi_backend {
server {
    listen 80;
    set $MAGE_ROOT /var/www/magento2;
    include /path/to/magento2/nginx.conf;

/path/to/magento2/nginx.conf has:

location ~ (index|get|static|report|404|503)\.php$ {
    fastcgi_pass   fastcgi_backend;

However, when I try to access, I get a 502 bad gateway response with the following error.

*7 kevent() reported that connect() failed (61: Connection refused) while connecting to upstream

I'm reading that I need to "start php-fpm", but what does that mean? I have Nginx and MySQL started already. What else do I need to configure? Do I need to install php-fpm installed on my system separately?

Best Answer

Php-fpm is a separate service....when working with Apache the 'traditional' convention was to use mod_php, which would basically inject Php into the Apache process with that setup, you only needed to start/restart/stop Apache and everything would be good....when working with Php-fpm, the webserver handles the incoming request on port 80/443 (unless you have things in front of that...load balancer, Varnish, etc) ... but the webserver passes off this request to Php-fpm ... without Php-fpm installed your webserver, nginx in this case, won't have anything to pass the request to.

You'll need to configure Php-fpm to listen on either the socket or can pull some of the configuration information from here: Digital Ocean LEMP

In regards to MAMP, I have no clue on how MAMP structures their setup.

Hope that helps.

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