Magento – Manage Currency Rates Dynamically in Magento


I want to know the mechanism of how to manage multiple currencies in our Magento store dynamically. It is required as their price rates varies at some time intervals.

By doing lots of goggling I came to know that this can be managed in Magento at "System->Configuration->General->Currency Setup->Scheduled Import Settings" (See the attached screenshot).
I am very much new to this concept that how to use this ‘Scheduled Import Settings’ option configuration.
Please guide me if anyone has this knowledge or used it before.

enter image description here

Best Answer

If you have set up Magento to automatically update currency rates in the System → Configuration → Currency Setup tab → Scheduled Import Settings panel, you do not need to manually set the values here.

In your server you need to set cron of cron.php

Ref. Magento Currency Setup

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