Magento – Migrating Magento to Magento 2 using Migration Tool error


I have been following the Magento2 developer documents to migrate database to new magento2.

I am running magento in APACHE, CENTOS, AWS. Now, having trouble moving forward to migrate settings and stuck here.

I am in the folder /bin and using the command below

php ./magento migrate:settings [-r|--reset] {/var/www/html/magento2/vendor/magento/data-migration-tool/etc/ce-to-ce/}

but getting errory everytime

-bash: --reset]: command not found


Invalid config filename: [-r

migrate:settings [-r|--reset] config

Please put me in right direction

Best Answer

For Setting Migration No need to use[-r|--reset], It throws an error.

If Setting will not migrate then it's automatically reset to default.

I always use

<code>php bin/magento migrate:settings D:\xampp\htdocs\magento2\vendor\magento\data-migration-tool\etc\ce-to-ce\\config.xml</code>
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