Magento2 – Missing CSS and JS Files in Git Repository


I have Successfully Install the Magento2 But when I try to run Homepage I getting below Errors in the console.
enter image description here

Then I have checked in Magento git Ripo

I have found the below Image All Folders are missing.

If some has that folders then please provide us…
enter image description here

Best Answer

The repo is up to date.
Here is how the resources in pub/static should work.
The meaning of "module" changed in magento 2. Now the files are not separated between code, template and skin. Everything goes in the same module Vendor_Module.

When requesting a resource from pub/static, if the file does not exist the request is rewritten to ../static.php?resource={resource name here}.
Take a look at the .htaccess file in the pub/static folder to understand better.

You get 404 responses probably because you don't have mod_rewrite enabled.
You should enable it.
But it can work without it.
There is a 'cache' system for these static resources.
navigate to the folder dev/tools/Magento/Tools/View and run this in the command line

php deploy.php

In the later versions there is no more dev/tools/Magento/Tools/View folder.
You can get the same effect by running this command:

php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy


This will copy the static resources from each module to the pub/static folder.
Be patient, it will take a while.
Remember this for the future. It is recommended to do this on the live server. It will speed up the access to static resources.

But there is a catch.

If you modify one of the static resources inside a module, the changes will not be available until you run php deploy.php again.
And you should never modify any file from pub/static directly. The changes will be overwritten the next time your execute deploy.php.

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