Magento – Missing Google Analytics conversions for PayPal Website Payments Standard orders

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I'm pulling my hair out here, I've done a lot of searching and can't find an answer:

Using CE, whenever a customer pays using PayPal Website Payments Standard and exits PayPal before the redirect takes them back to the Onepage Success page the conversion / eCommerce referral data isn't showing in Google Analytics. The PayPal payment data makes it back to Magento OK, as the order status gets updated OK, it's just GA that is missing the data.

I realise using PayPal Payflow or another onsite gateway will get around this issue, but surely there must be a fix for PayPal Website Payments Standard?

Any ideas?

Best Answer

Well I'm really trying to find a solution for the last days as well. First of all there is a paid extension that is getting the data from the admin backend. Then there is a free one, but it is not working the way it is supposed to be for me (

And then there is a very short article on how to set it up manually ( In german language.

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