Magento 1.9 – Missing Image Upload Button in Admin

adminfile uploadimage-uploadmagento-1.9

I can't seem to see any of the upload of browse image buttons on my magento backend, I have tried Firefox and chrome with no luck. I get these errors in Firefox inspect element:

TypeError: flashPlugin is undefined flex.js:164:7
ReferenceError: id_a13736761dc61600b7a42cbca740d27f_UploaderJsObject is not defined

I found out that I should check these files exist but annoying they found.


any other suggestions what could be the problem?

Best Answer

I wasn't able to view the buttons last week. It was because Flash hadn't been updated. So I suggest you make sure Flash is up-to-date first.

Other suggestions:

You could try restarting the browser

Or in the php.ini file change upload_max_filesize = 100 M to upload_max_filesize = 100M, (no space) or

Check if .gitignore is referencing media/ instead of /media/ or

Copy /app/design/adminhtml/default/default/template/dull from a fresh copy of magento

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