Configuration – Missing request_rewrite Node in Configuration


I'm seeing some weird behavior is a development system I upgraded from Magento CE 1.6 to Magento CE 1.8.1. Specifically, the site never gets page front controller dispatch due to the following error.

Fatal error: Call to a member function rewrite() on a non-object in /Users/alanstorm/Sites2013/ on line 165

I traced this down to the following call failing to return an object.

$className = (string)Mage::getConfig()->getNode('global/request_rewrite/model');

For some reason, by global configuration does not have a request_rewrite node, even though I've cleared my cache, and this code exists on disk.

I recalls seeing similar reports in the past year since the release of Does anyone know why this happens?

Best Answer

Self-help desk strikes again. When I un-tarred the new Magento codebase onto the old Magento codebase when updating the system, the file permissions on the


directory where changed such that my local web server couldn't write to this folder.

When this happens, Magento silently uses your computer's var and/or tmp directory space to store the cached files. Specifically, it chooses the system var dir here

#File: app/code/core/Mage/Core/Model/Config/Options.php
public function getVarDir()
    //$dir = $this->getDataSetDefault('var_dir', $this->getBaseDir().DS.'var');
    $dir = isset($this->_data['var_dir']) ? $this->_data['var_dir']
        : $this->_data['base_dir'] . DS . self::VAR_DIRECTORY;
    if (!$this->createDirIfNotExists($dir)) {
        $dir = $this->getSysTmpDir().DS.'magento'.DS.'var';
        if (!$this->createDirIfNotExists($dir)) {
            throw new Mage_Core_Exception('Unable to find writable var_dir');
    return $dir;

So, despite my clearing out of var/cache, Magento was still loading the cached configuration from configuration. This version of Magento had no request_rewrite node, which is what led to the error.

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