MySQL Query – How to Get Number of Times Ordered


I am using the following SQL query from to pull the amount of money each customer has spent with us. I would also like to see the number of orders that were placed and even the date of first order if that's possible. How can I modify the SQL query to get this?

SELECT DISTINCT customer_email, customer_firstname, customer_lastname,
SUM(subtotal_invoiced) AS Total
FROM sales_flat_order AS a
GROUP BY customer_email
ORDER BY SUM(subtotal_invoiced) DESC

Best Answer

    customer_email, customer_firstname, customer_lastname,
    SUM(subtotal_invoiced) AS total_of_orders,
    MIN(created_at) as first_order_date,
    COUNT(*) as num_of_orders
FROM sales_flat_order
GROUP BY customer_email
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