Magento 1.9 – Moving a Block to a Different Block


I'm using a module of Amasty that adds a block to my catalog product view's content reference. This puts in on the top of the page, but I want to move it just above the upsell in the block.

I'm trying to unset this using unsetChild and inserting it just above, but I can't get it to work. The block keeps appearing above the whole block or below it.

This is my code:

        <reference name="content">
            <action method="unsetChild"><name>amprevnext_prevnext</name></action>
            <action method="insert">

How do I do this?

Best Answer

It is because the awprevnext_prevnext is added to the content block and not to the block.

Here's what you should do:

    <reference name="content">
        <action method="unsetChild"><name>amprevnext_prevnext</name></action>
    <reference name="">
        <action method="insert"><block>amprevnext_prevnext</block></action>

However, this won't be enough because the original template catalog/product/view.phtml does not render all the child block automatically by calling echo $this->getChildHtml();

Thus you need to add the following to your custom theme catalog/product/view.phtml template:

<?php echo $this->getChildHtml('amprevnext_prevnext'); ?>

You need to add that code before the following code:

<?php echo $this->getChildHtml('upsell_products') ?>
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