Magento – Moving “My Account” link from the top links in 2.2


having trouble with a layout change in Mage 2.2.

I want to move just the link for "My Account" from its current position (located inside <div class="panel header"> <ul class="header links">), to the <div class="header content"> (which contains the logo and cart).

I tried using the code snippet <move element="authorization-link-login" destination="header-wrapper" after="logo" />
but this doesn't seem to do anything at all. This is strange as I am using something similar to move my search to just before the logo (<move element="" destination="header-wrapper" before="-"/>).

Can anyone shine any light on why I can't get the link to move?

Best Answer

Having a similar issue. I found a link from October at that seems to be similar.

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