Magento – Multi Select Customer Group Promotion Price Rules Not Applied


I have converted the Customer Group from Select to multi-select by following the below URL,,

it's working fine.

My Problem is when a customer associated with more than 1 customer group then the Promotion pricing rules are not applied to that customer.

Eg. If a Customer A has a customer group General and Wholesale,
I have created a Promotion price rule for Customer Group General, then the pricing rules need to apply to the customer A,but the price rules are not applied to that Customer A(this is my problem).

If I assign Customer group as only General, then price rules are applied to Customer A.

I need if customer A has more than 1 customer group, then the Price Rules should be applied.

Best Answer

CustomerGroup is a select field and I'm sure everywhere is checked for ONE value.

e.g. here \Mage_SalesRule_Model_Validator::init

this means, everywhere where magento expects (int)7 you pass either (array) [0] => (int) 1, [1] => (int) 2, [2] => (int)3 or (string)1,2,3,4 and both is wrong.

Magento is not built to use more than one customer group and you can change this setting, then it may work on some places, but on MOST places you get a lot of problems.

TL;DR You want to invest a lot of money to fix all problems or just revert/let it as it is.

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