Magento – Multiple attributes for configurable product


I am trying to set up a configurable product using two separate custom attributes and can’t see how I can get it working.

Basically this product has two separate options- size and color. There are two size options- 10 and 20. And there are about eight different color options. The customer selects the size and then a color.

However the price needs to be different depending on what size the customer picks, and also the individual simple product SKUs for the colors will be different as well. So if they pick size 10, they get a certain list of all the colors in the next dropdown, but if they select size 20 then they will get a different list of colors with different SKUs.

I can’t see any way of getting this set up so the price depends on the size attribute and the color list changes depending on which size is picked in the previous dropdown.

Anyone have any ideas?

Best Answer

What you described here is the exact functionality of the magento configurable products.
Take a look at this for more details:
When you create a configurable product you will also have the option to add a price delta to the options you use.
So for example for the size: Size 10 can have a +3E.
The down side is that all the size 10 will have that extra charge.
Then you can set for color green a price difference of -2.
This means that when selecting size 10 and color green you will have the price: BASE+3-2 = BASE + 1.

As for the colors depending on the size, this is what Magento does.
If you create a configurable product and you create simple products for only a few variations of colors and sizes only those will be visible in the product view page

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