Magento 1.8 – Multiple Websites in Subfolders


I am using Magento with multiple websites.
I followed the instructions to setup the multiple websites as described here:

  • Create stores/views/sites
  • Set default URL (safe/unsafe) and Homepage for each store.
  • Create subfolders, files & symlinks
  • Edit index.php in each subfolder

I would say that my setup is working halfway: is pointing to my base website. This website is working perfectly fine. is pointing to the Paris website homepage which is fine. The links in the menu all have the subfolder part, so this seems to be working fine too.

Problem is when I try to access a category or a product within a secondary website, such as

This type of URL is redirecting to the main website homepage. So it seems Magento doesn't recognize urls of type to belong to the Paris website but is looking in the base website, can't find anything and redirects to the base website's homepage.

I am out of ideas on how to fix this, any suggestion would be highly appreciated.

Best Answer

In the subfolders copy also the .htaccess file (I hope you are running on apache) and uncomment the line #RewriteBase /magento/ and replace /magento/ with your folder name. /paris/ in this case.

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