Magento 1.9 Cart – Event for Empty Cart/Quote


I would like to set a quote's shipping method based on the items selected in the quote (only if there is not already a shipping method selected) and unset the quote's shipping method when there are no more items in the cart/quote.

However, I'm having difficulty with part 2 of this problem. I have tried observing sales_quote_address_save_before, sales_quote_save_after and checkout_cart_save_after and they all exhibit a very odd behavior:

If I add or remove items from the cart, these events fire twice with the new number of items in the cart (so for example, if I had 1 item and added 1 item, it would fire twice with 2 items in the model).

However, if I remove all items from the cart, all three events only fire once with the old number of items in the cart (for example, if I had 1 item in the cart and delete it, the event fires once with 1 item in the model, not 0).

Is there an event that I can use to tell when I have no items in the cart?

Best Answer

What works well for me to react on cart changes is a combination of these events:

  • checkout_cart_save_after
  • customer_login
  • customer_logout
  • checkout_onepage_controller_success_action

However, if I remove all items from the cart, all three events only fire once with the old number of items in the cart (for example, if I had 1 item in the cart and delete it, the event fires once with 1 item in the model, not 0).

You are probably looking at the wrong data. When items are removed from the cart, the objects get a deleted flag but stay in the collection. If you use $cart->getItems() or $cart->getItemsCollection() these deleted items are included. Use $cart->getQuote()->getAllItems() or $cart->getQuote()->getAllVisibleItems() instead.

I explained the difference between these methods in: How to get all items in cart currently?