Magento 1.9 – Custom Module Page Layout Not Showing in CMS Dropdown


I have created a new for unique page layouts to be used for certain within . The module appears and is enabled in admin > configuration > advanced menu.

Despite this, the option for the page layout does not appear in

CMS > Pages > Home > Design Tab >Layout drop down menu.

I created the following file in: app > code > local > Custompage > Templates > etc > config.xml

<?xml version="1.0"?>
            <one_column_home translate="label">
                <label>1 column home page</label>
            <!-- add more layouts here -->

I also have created the following file: app > etc > modules > Customepage_Templates.xml

<?xml version="1.0"?>
                <Mage_Page />

Finally I have created a copy of 1column.phtml in: app > design > frontend > mypackage > mytheme > template > page > 1column-home.phtml

A fresh pair of eyes and help would be appreciated.

Best Answer

Most probably you may be missing helper class of your module. Create a helper class of your module by adding this code snippet inside config.xml


Now change you custom layout open tag like this

 <one_column_home module="custompage_templates" translate="label">

Only one step remain. Define helper class inside your module.

File : app > code > local > Custompage > Templates > Helper > Data.php

Custompage_Templates_Helper_Data extends Mage_Core_Helper_Abstract