Magento – New Magento install: Your current session has been expired


Did a new Magento 2.1.1 CE install on a Hosted environment. All went well until the login into the Admin page.
I get the message:

Your current session has been expired!

I tried several things. Like emptying the var/cash files and even the var/session files put in my .htaccess the lines:

php_value session.gc_maxlifetime 86400 
php_value session.cookie_lifetime 86400

Not working. When I look into the php settings I can see that these are (0) so the 86400 are not applied by the server (they do not provide such services for hosted sites).

Now what can I do to get into the back-end? I asked the provider to change the settings but I am not sure they are willing to do that. So is there another solution to get into the admin page?

Best Answer

I had this issue and in my case it was incorrect time on MySQL server. You can check this by simply running this query:

select current_date(), current_time();
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