Magento 2 – New Orders Not Showing in Orders Grid but Payment Received


I upgraded from Magento 2.2.5 to 2.3.1

I am using only PayPal as a payment method.

new orders are not showing in the orders grid in Admin > Sales > Orders and emails are not sent !!

when I check PayPal summary I can find the invoice number so it is created in Magento but not showing in the grid

I already tried to change

Store > Configuration > Advance > Developer > Grid Settings

Enable / Disable, flush cache, reindex, but not working

When I check sales_invoice and sales_order tables there is no recent invoice !!but in PayPal summary I have the invoice number and items !!

Any fix please.

Best Answer

After a quick skype conversation we have noticed that a file was corrupt within the Magento_Inventory model.

We have removed the directory vendor/magento/module-inventory and run composer update. The dependency compiler (php bin/magento setup:di:compile) runs without error now.

Not confirmed yet that this was the issue. We will update.