Magento – New Products 3 columns on Home page CMS


I had a nightmare with New Products display on homepage with 1 row to display 5 products (columns) on magento 1.9.3

I have following code:

{{widget type="catalog/product_widget_new" display_type="new_products" products_count="5" template="catalog/product/widget/new/content/new_grid.phtml"}}

I made changes to style to make them look small like width: 19% so they all products fit in 1 row.

3 products appear on 1st row and another 2 went down to 2nd row. There is plenty of space on the right for other 2 products but something is wrong even though I tried everything xml update, css changes, and nothing works!!

I tried to add a widget too under CMS -> Widgets but same results. It seems widget new_grid.phtml is set to display 3 columns irrespective of css (19% I changed to make them smaller).

Anyone could help with this issue please..

None able to give some input?

Best Answer

In your theme's new product template on path


set value of $_columnCount to 5

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