Magento – Newsletter signup not showing on one page checkout


We are using the one page checkout on a customer site, but it's not showing the "click here to subscribe to newsletter" checkbox, which is a standard option in Magento themes.

Does anybody know how to enable that?

Checkout Screenshot

Best Answer

In checkout page, there is no option for newsletter subscription by default (as per base/default theme).

If you check the default theme, you can see that, one page checkout page do not possess left block.It only possess content and right blocks. Content block is used to show different steps in checkout and right section contains a breif view of checkout steps.

Suppose you need to add newsletter subscription in your theme, then you can follow these steps.

  1. Create a local.xml file in your theme.

  2. Put this content inside it.

    File : app/design/frontend/<package>/<theme>/layout/local.xml

                 <reference name="right">
                 <block type="newsletter/subscribe" name="newsletter" as="newsletter" template="newsletter/subscribe.phtml" before="-" />

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