Magento – Not able to add contact us to navigation menu


I am trying to put the link of contact us that is at the bottom of magento website on the navigation menu. The form contains email textbox and a textbox where user could write and submit it. I want this link to open from navigation bar at the top. I tried doing it but nothing works. Please let me know how can I do it.

Best Answer

You can configure to show the information like.

  1. Create a static block by Content -> Blocks -> Add new block (In your case copy cms page about us content and paste it in your block ) -> Save.

  2. Go to Product -> Categories -> Create category by the name you want.

  3. Go to Display setting of the category -> Select CMS Block ( in your case select the block as in step 1 ).

  4. Display mode should be -> Static Block only.

Save , remove cache and check it in front end menu.

If you want to render contact us (Contact form is calling from template)

Create a CMS static block as described on top and paste the below code in Content

{{block class="Magento\Contact\Block\ContactForm" template="Magento_Contact::form.phtml"}}

Make sure you select this(saved by above code) static block into category you want to display in Navigation.(Display setting of the category -> Select CMS Block.)

This answer is one of an option for display the information, if you want to add more links with custom information, you can override Navigation section by creating custom module.

Hope this helps.