Magento – NULL Values for Attributes in the Database


All of the products on this Magento CE site I'm working on are imported through a modified Dataflow importer. Almost all of the changes to products are made with the Mage_Catalog_Model_Product_Action model. (There is a call to the normal product save model when categories are changed though.) The issue that I'm seeing is a ton of NULL values in the database tables. For instance, if there is a Dropdown attribute called Type and only 10% of products actually have a value for the attribute, the other 90% will be given a NULL value in the database.

Right now the site has around 60,000 SKUs. As an example, the catalog_product_entity_int table has just shy of 1,000,000 rows. 700,00 of those rows contain NULL for the value field.

Does Magento benefit in any way from having a row for every product/attribute combination for all products that have been saved since an attribute was added? I'm sure that NULL values in the catalog_product_entity_int table take up very little hard drive space, but I could see it slowing down joins a lot, (especially left joins.)

Should I be trying to clean these NULL values out?

Best Answer

Do not delete NULL values in the default scope if you intend to override the values in store scope. The way, Magento constructs the SQL query for product loading with left joins, it does not find store specific values if there is no entry for the default scope.