Observer Checkout Success – Change Customer Group Based on Country


Is this possible to get customer country (or country code) in checkout success observer ?
I would like to create a custom module (it's okay) to change customer ID switch his country after he orders.

Is this possible to get customer country in my Observer.php ?

Thanks a lot

Best Answer

You need to write below code in config.xml File: app/code/local/Letsknowit/Postdata/Checkout/etc/config.xml


You need to write below code in Observer

File: app/code/local/Letsknowit/Postdata/Model/Checkout/Observer.php

class Letsknowit_Postdata_Model_Checkout_Observer 
     public function postDataTosServer(Varien_Event_Observer $observer){
        $orderIds = $observer->getData('order_ids');
         foreach($orderIds as $_orderId){
            $order     = Mage::getModel('sales/order')->load($_orderId);
            $customer  = Mage::getModel('customer/customer')->load($order->getData('customer_id'));
           $billingaddress = $order->getBillingAddress();
           $countryCode = $billingaddress->getData('country_id');
           /* update and save user contry id */
           $countryId = 1 ;// put here desired country id


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