Magento – Is It OK to Truncate report_viewed_product_index?


I was reading through the list of tables that are ok to truncate ( and I didn't see


The table is huge and it takes a very long time to restore the database. Is it safe to truncate this data or at least remove the oldest data?

Best Answer

As far as I can see/know this table is included in the event log_log_clean_after.

If you look under the file app/code/core/Mage/Reports/etc/config.xml you will see the following snippet.


This method simply cleans all the report events and then the product viewed and compared tables.

public function eventClean(Varien_Event_Observer $observer)
    /* @var $event Mage_Reports_Model_Event */
    $event = Mage::getModel('reports/event');


    return $this;

If you make sure you have the logClean cron setup then the reports should also be cleaned up with it.

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