Checkout – One Page Checkout Starts at Top of Screen


I use a vertical one page checkout methode, so that the steps are taken vertical.

When the first billing page is filled in, I want to begin all next steps at the top of the page.

I edit skin/frontend/base/default/js/opcheckout.js and replaced the gotoSection as follow.


gotoSection: function (section, reloadProgressBlock) {

    if (reloadProgressBlock) {
    this.currentStep = section;
    var sectionElement = $('opc-' + section);
    this.accordion.openSection('opc-' + section);
    if(!reloadProgressBlock) {

Replaced with:

gotoSection: function(section, reloadProgressBlock) {

    if (reloadProgressBlock) {
    this.currentStep = section;
    var sectionElement = $('opc-'+section);
    if(!reloadProgressBlock) {
    jQuery("html, body").delay(10).animate({scrollTop: jQuery("#opc-"+section).offset().top }, 50);

That does work for the scroll, but it begin to early on the page and I need to edit it because we have a fixed header.

How can I edit this code, so that it is placed correctly with our fixed header?

Best Answer

In the last line, I guess you have to substract the fixed header's height from the scrolling position where you want to go.

So, assuming your header is something like <div id="header">...</div>, change the line to this:

jQuery("html, body").delay(10).animate({scrollTop: (jQuery("#opc-"+section).offset().top - jQuery('#header').height()) }, 50);

Note the jQuery('#header').height() I have added.


If you need to scroll further, you can simply substract a higher number from the target position. I put the target position in a variable for clarification:

// calculate the offset, note the new "- 50" at the end
var targetOffset = jQuery("#opc-"+section).offset().top
                       - jQuery('#header').height() - 50;
jQuery("html, body").delay(10).animate({scrollTop: targetOffset}, 50);
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