Magento 1.9 OneStepCheckout – Shipping Method Problem


In my e-commerce when I try to estimate shipping in checkout page and then I click the button "proceed checkout" I get a white page in /checkout/onepage/, both if I estimate only and if I estimate and then select "free shipping" radio button. The white page is without Apache errors and without javascript console errors; there are no errors in var/log/system.log and there is no exception.log file in the same directory.
Instead, if I don't get estimation and proceed directly to the checkout, in /checkout/onepage/ I have no shipping method enabled so I can't proceed to checkout. On what it could depend on?


  • Magento CE with SUPEE-9767
  • Onestepcheckout from Em Magento Everything theme; if I disable it and set default Magento Onestepcheckout, I don't get white page but I can't proceed to the next step because it shows the message "Sorry, no quotes are available for this order at this time."
  • The only shipping method enabled is "Free shipping" with minimum order zero for all permitted country, that actually is Italy

Best Answer

Finally I find the issue in:


I've got


that returned blank page without any type of error. I removed it and the checkout works now.

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