Magento – Order confirmation, add order comment, Order (send email), Send Order Email Copy To


I have a weird problem. For some reason, all order related functions doesn't work.
Order confirmation doesn't get send
Add order comment and email doesn't send
Clicking on the send email in order doesn't send
And adding send order email copy to "my email address" doesn't send.

HOWEVER, invoice, shipment, newsletter email and all the functions above works perfect.

I don't understand?!

Best Answer

Check the settings in System > Configuration > Sales Emails for both Orders and Order Comments, makes sure Enabled is set to Yes.

If it's already set to Yes then then the issue is probably somewhere in the code, possibly a third-party extension. Check your var/log and var/report folders.


If you are on Magento make sure cron job is running. Look in core_email_queue table. If there are entries in the table and customers/admin are not getting any emails it means cron job is not running.

More details here.