Order Created but No PayPal Payment Record – Troubleshooting


We have received a number of orders which have come through to us but sitting at "Payment Pending". For each we have learned to check our PayPal account to see if the payment has processed, but not been pulled through to Magento.

Some of these payments have actually processed correctly, but the majority of these orders have no payment information in PayPal.

I can understand if a payment goes through correctly but Magento doesn't pick it up, but how can an order be created with no payment into PayPal? Also, some customers, where we have received no payment into PayPal for the order, have reported that they have had money taken from their account. I have followed this up, asking for transaction details, etc, whereupon they have not responded so I assume they were mistaken, but this is not good from a customer service standpoint.

We are using Magento Community and default PayPal integration. (See below) Any ideas?

PayPal Integration

Best Answer

I may be wrong on this, but I think Magento saves the order before going to the payment processor page.
This happens (I think) for every payment that requires leaving the shop.
So in your case I think some of the clients went to the paypal page and did not pay. They just abandoned the checkout process.
You can try to do the same.
Go through the checkout process and close the page when you get to Paypal.
Then check if the order is in the backend and if there is any trace of payment in your paypal account.

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