Magento – Order CSV Export – what fields does it export


I am exporting orders Sales > Orders to CSV.

The problem is, I can't see which fields are actually exported.

If anyone has any insight, I would much appreciate it.

Order CSV Export

Best Answer

The dropdown you're using is from a custom or a 3rd party module. There is no way for us to tell you what fields are exported, however, you could just export it and find out.

There is another way:

The button just above that dropdown that says "Export" will also export a CSV for the current rendered view. To find out what fields would be exported for Sales Orders, we take a peek in the grid block for sales order controller in Adminhtml:

public function exportCsvAction()
    $fileName   = 'orders.csv';
    $grid       = $this->getLayout()->createBlock('adminhtml/sales_order_grid');
    $this->_prepareDownloadResponse($fileName, $grid->getCsvFile());

So it looks like it exports columns based on the adminhtml/sales_order_grid block. The columns defined there happen to be the same as in that current view.


If you were to use the orange Export button just above the dropdown you will receive a CSV export that is formatted similarly to the actual grid view. Using any other module or 3rd party to export will yield unpredictable (unknowable) results for this forum's audience.

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