Magento – order status and state – magento 2


I bit confused utilizing order status and state. I have created Delivered status but unfortunately it get duplicated with two different state. When I rename order status lable of anyone it will automatically affects others also so I am not sure which status is shown in frontend. I am also tried to unassign but it will throw error can't unassign already orders are used this status.When I change the order status to delivered that order is not listed in customer account page, but I need to show delivered status in customer account page.

please refer the below screenshot for your easy reference

easy for your reference


Best Answer

enter image description here

Go Stores > Order Status and Click on Assign status to state button above show in screenshot and you'll be able to change that.

enter image description here

Important note for Pending Payments

If you have a "pending payment" status order, Magento 2 will cancel the order automatically after 8 hours if the payment status doesn't change.

To change that, go to Stores > Configuration > Sales > Order Cron Settings and change the Lifetime to a greater value. enter image description here

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