Magento – Orders are being canceled automatically in Magento 2


For whatever reason some of my orders (not all of them) are being canceled automatically. I guess there is some job running that does that, but I do not know where to start looking.

Any ideas where to start or what the problem might be?

M2 version is 2.1.9, but it happened in 2.1.6 as well.


Best Answer

I had the same problem, and tracked it down to orders that were Pending Payment and they would get cancelled over night. The default setting below is set to 8 hours (I know I wrote 4 hours in the image on accident). I increased mine to a year and implemented a process to make sure orders don't get that old. We use the "Pending Payment" to mark orders that are shipped but not paid yet, and the clients are usually given 30-60 days to pay.

enter image description here

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