overrides configuration – How to Override or Remove XML Config Node/Value


I want to remove some XML value without touching core XML files, is it possible ?

The scenario is the following.

In /app/code/core/Mage/Tax/etc/config.xml we have some config value for the totals (<sales><quote><totals>).
I want to comment out the tax one so the tax line is not displayed in the frontend.

  • commenting the node in the core XML file works fine but it is not the best approach.
  • If I have put new empy values in a separate module I have a different effect ( it is not like remove the declaration)

In particular I want to do something like:

  • <!--<renderer>tax/checkout_tax</renderer>-->

Best Answer

Theoretically inside of your module you can:

  1. in config.xml reset the node to something like <renderer>0</renderer>
  2. register an observer and Mage::getConfig()->setNode('path', NULL)