Magento 1.9 – Override SCP (Simple Configurable Products) Block


Hi I try to override getAllowProducts() method from Mage/Core/Block/Product/View/Type/Configurable.php with local module to show Out of stock products in configurable attribute dropdown.

I use Magento CE 1.9 and Simple Configurable Products (SCP) extension. Product_View_Type_Configurable class is already overriden by SCP so I rewrite SCP class using depends.

When I activate my module, configurable attribute dropdown and product data desappear from template catalog/product/view.phtml.

Is anybody help for this issue ?

Here is the code of my module :

etc/modules : app/etc/modules/Mycompany_SimpleConfigurableProducts.xml

<?xml version="1.0"?>
                        <Mage_Catalog />
                        <OrganicInternet_SimpleConfigurableProducts />

config.xml in app/code/local/Mycompany/SimpleConfigurableProducts/etc

<?xml version="1.0"?>

Configurable.php in /app/code/local/Mycompany/SimpleConfigurableProducts/Catalog/Block/Catalog/Product/View/Type

class Mycompany_SimpleConfigurableProducts_Catalog_Block_Product_View_Type_Configurable extends OrganicInternet_SimpleConfigurableProducts_Catalog_Block_Product_View_Type_Configurable{

    public function getAllowProducts()
        if (!$this->hasAllowProducts()) {
            $products = array();
            $skipSaleableCheck = Mage::helper('catalog/product')->getSkipSaleableCheck();
            $allProducts = $this->getProduct()->getTypeInstance(true)
                ->getUsedProducts(null, $this->getProduct());
            foreach ($allProducts as $product) {
                // Get Out of stock simple products
                //if ($product->isSaleable() || $skipSaleableCheck) {
                    $products[] = $product;
        return $this->getData('allow_products');


Best Answer

I found my mistake, I have a wrong path for Configurable.php

I replace




and it works :)

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