Magento – How to Override Frontname for Existing Module


I recently started working on Magento for one of my projects and stuck at something, which i see a very common use case. I tried looking at different blog post but couldn't find any which can hint towards that.

My question is, I want to able to override the existing frontName for a module in magento. e.g.

If current user dashboard URL is

I want to change it to.

Also I will probably add more method in my controller to add few other functionalities. For which I found following post very useful.

Can i refer this also any suggestion on how to change frontName?

Best Answer

You will need a custom module that only changes the frontname of a module (Mage_Customer in this case.)

Let's name the module Easylife_UserThis module contains only 2 files.

app/etc/module/Easylife_User.xml - the declaration file

<?xml version="1.0"?>
                <Mage_Customer /><!-- should depend on Mage_Customer so it is loaded after it -->

app/code/local/Easylife/User/etc/config.xml - the configuration file

<?xml version="1.0"?>
            <customer>/user/</customer><!-- might be needed if you have secure urls but not sure -->
            <customer><!-- for the customer route... -->
                    <frontName>user</frontName><!-- just change the front name -->

Clear the cache and you are done.

If all your links to the customer pages are generated using ->getUrl('customer/...'). This should work.
If you have links in your templates like this

<a href="/customer/...">Customer</a>

It won't work. But anyway, you shouldn't have links like the example above.