Magento – Overwrite community Model file


I use the extension by raveinfosys to export orders from Magento.

I changed some stuff in the ordering of the items, but I do not want to do this in the extension itself. I want to do it with an own module.

The file is located in:


In the config.xml of that module, I can only find this item which is related to a Model:


I can not find something related to Exportorders.php, but how do I have to modify my own config.xml to overwrite the current Exportorders.php?


Best Answer

You can rewrite a community model just like a core model.
Create your extension and add this in the config.xml inside the global tag


then create your file [Namespace]/[Module]/Model/Exportorders.php with your code.

Here is a tutorial that explains how to rewrite a model

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