Magento Blocks – Overwriting Adminhtml Block from Another Extension Doesn’t Work


I'm trying to find a solution since a couple hours now. Unfortunately without any luck, so I need to ask you for help.

I'm trying to add a download button to a grid which will be provided by an extension.
If I'm customize the concerning file in Block/Adminhtml/O directly the button shows up (Add a button to admin grid). But I don't want to customize the extension – I want to overwrite the concerning block. And this is where I got stuck. Nothing happens, it seems there is an issue somewhere but I can't find it.

Here is my code

My confix.xml

<?xml version="1.0"?>

My app/etc/modules/Foo_Quotedownload.xml

<?xml version="1.0"?>

The original config.xml from the module (only interesting part)


The original concerning Block

class Ophirah_Qquoteadv_Block_Adminhtml_Qquoteadv extends    

My block which lives in Foo/Quotedownload/Block/Adminhtml/Qquoteadv.php

class Foo_Quotedownload_Block_Adminhtml_Qquoteadv extends   
Ophirah_Qquoteadv_Block_Adminhtml_Qquoteadv {

public function __construct()
  echo "works";
    $this->_controller = 'adminhtml_qquoteadv';
    $this->_blockGroup = 'qquoteadv';
    $this->_headerText = Mage::helper('qquoteadv')->__('Quotations');
    $this->_addButtonLabel = Mage::helper('sales')->__('Create Neeeew Quote');

           ///////CUSTOM code for new button:
   $data = array(
           'label' =>  'Download Quotes',
           'onclick'   => "setLocation('".$this->getUrl('qquoteadv/adminhtml_qquoteadv/download')."')"
   ///////The URL I am using is a custom module that I set up earlier, Magento parses it to <>, which then runs the script I have in the IndexController.php file
   Mage_Adminhtml_Block_Widget_Container::addButton('download_to_mas', $data, 0, 100,  'header', 'header');
   ///////End CUSTOM code


Does anyone know what I'm doing wrong here?
Thank you so much in advance.

Best Answer

I think that you are missing the block node for the original extension you are rewriting in your config.xml. Try this:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
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