Magento – Pagination missing on category pages


The pagination is missing on my toolbar on category pages, it works for the search results. I debugged the code and figured what the problem is.

In the Toolbar block there is a function getPagerHtml. It contains this code:

$pagerBlock = $this->getChild('product_list_toolbar_pager');

if ($pagerBlock instanceof Varien_Object) { 

The problem in my case is, $pagerBlock is false on category pages in my case, so the pagination is never rendered and shown.

What could be the problem for that? I checked the catalog.xml and the product_list_toolbar_pager block is there.


Best Answer

Check your layout xml file (catalog.xml) of current theme

is block

<block type="page/html_pager" name="product_list_toolbar_pager"/>

really exist under <catalog_category_default> and <catalog_category_layered> handler ?

if this is exist then check other custom modules layout file for any overwriting.

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