Passing Array in REST API Magento 2 (Post Method)


I have created many rest Api in magento2 which working perfectly… I have only problem to pass the array in custom rest api…
for example I am passing the data in below format from postman.

{"vendor_data":{"name":"Mujassam", "mobile":7777}}

It gives me below error:

"message": "Class array does not exist",
"code": -1,

Api interface is as below,

 * return placed order status
 * @api
 * @param array[] $vendor_data
 * @return array
public function createVendor($vendor_data);

EDIT: tried this but no luck

How to handle multi level array as input parameter from custom POST webservice in Magento2

Best Answer

Magento 2 do not support mixed like array. You can use KayValue[] or string[] but do not array[]

see for more details