Magento – Password reset link not working showing expired


When I'm trying to reset password through reset link from my mail, it's showing following error:

Your password reset link has expired.

When I check my password reset link it looks like:

the reset password token is not generating I've checked the reset password template and it's looking fine:

<a href="{{store url="customer/account/resetpassword/" _query_id=$ _query_token=$customer.rp_token}}"><span>Reset Password</span></a>

and I didn't update anything in my AccountController.php

public function changeForgottenAction()
    try {
        list($customerId, $resetPasswordLinkToken) = $this->_getRestorePasswordParameters($this->_getSession());
        $this->_validateResetPasswordLinkToken($customerId, $resetPasswordLinkToken);
    } catch (Exception $exception) {
        $this->_getSession()->addError($this->_getHelper('customer')->__('Your password reset link has expired.'));

Best Answer

You'll need to do some digging, as seen the catch (Exception $e){} method catches any exception and outputs that message.

Try logging the exception:

Mage::log($e, null, 'customer_password_reset.log');

Then you can inspect the log file & identify what is causing the issue & figure out how to resolve it.

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