Magento2 Payment Methods – Payment Method Does Not Exist Issue


I am developing a custom payment module and I am trying to show it on the product checkout page, without success. The thing is that not a single payment method (even the default ones) is shown at the checkout page, even when my payment module is disabled. The payment methods are enabled on admin panel.
How do I enable any payment method (beside admin panel), or how do I debug the whole process?

Update 1

I installed magento-sample-module, Braintree and Inchoo_Stripe method payment.
How can I enable at least Cash On Delivery Payment as a payment method?

Update 2
I went debugging. I installed wireshark and received the folowing (part of) response from server: {"payment_methods":[{"code":"cashondelivery","title":"Cash On Delivery"}],"totals":.... It appears that a propper response is received, but the JSON processing fails. I will come with another update soon.

Best Answer

Can you try disabling all the custom payment method extensions and custom checkout extensions. Also check Magento log file for the error.

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