Magento 1.9 – Fix Payment Methods Not Appearing for Admin Orders


We recently upgraded our 1.8 installation to and now when we try to add a product to an order via the admin area (Admin > Sales > Orders > Create New Order) none of the set up Payment methods appear.

enter image description here

As far as I can see all configuration is correct. I've found a similar question here but there is no answer and the suggestions do not work either.

Best Answer

Each payment method model supports a member called $_canUseInternal. This decides if the payment method can be used in the backend.
So you need to add this in the payment method model

protected $_canUseInternal = true; 

But chances are you will need more than that, depending on the payment method. You may need to create a block and/or a template for admin use.
Some of the payment method might not be designed to work on the backend.

If you need a method just to appear on the invoice and no actions behind it then you can create your own. Here is a nice tutorial for creating one.
Just make sure you set to it

protected $_canUseInternal = true;
protected $_canUseCheckout = false;
protected $_canUseForMultishipping = false; 

so you can use it only for frontend.

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