Magento – PayPal – Bill Me Later as standalone option on Magento checkout page. Is it possible


My main question is: Can we have PayPal – Bill Me Later as standalone payment option on Magento checkout page?

I spent 2 months playing around with the payment method called “Bill Me Later”.
After Magento released this information:
some Magento shop owners were fooled, that we have “Bill Me Later” as standalone payment option. Of course this is not true, because Mangeto just said to the world, that everybody can put PayPal – Bill Me Later banners on their shops.

To get PayPal – Bill Me Later in Magento we have to activate PayPal Payments Advanced from Magento admin. Also to apply some settings in . After doing all needed actions I ended up with hosted iframe which contains checkout options. This iframe appear after I complete all checkout steps and I press the “place order” button. The checkout options are:

  • checkout with PayPal
  • checkout with PayPal – Bill Me Later
  • Pay with credit or debit card

enter image description here

Do you know if PayPal – Bill Me Later can work in different way and we can have PayPal – Bill Me Later as standalone payment option / method or even if it's possible to place the PayPal advance iframe in the payment options block before the “place order” button is pressed.

So far I checked how the PayPal API works and found, that to get the iframe we have to pass the order id to PayPal and some other parameters. That makes me think, that it's impossible to have the iframe before we have an order, but may be somebody from the community faced the same problem and knows, how this can be achieved.

Best Answer

This is not possible. As ceckoslab noted, iframe manipulation options are strenuously limited by PayPal.

The only potential option would be a standalone integration to BillMeLater, but no such API endpoint exists with that service; it must be accessed via PayPal's Web interface.

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