Magento – paypal express checkout for AED currency


My base currency is AED. But as per paypal supported currencies I cant pay in AED. So, I converted the currency to USD and changing the currency code to USD.

Now I can able to reach paypal with currency code as USD and converted currency. After competing payment I am being redirected to paypal/express/return/ Frmo returnAction forwarded to Paypal\Model\Express\Checkout.php but after executing the line $service->submitAll() in the method place i am getting error as below

PayPal gateway has rejected request. The transaction currency
specified must be the same as previously specified (#10444:
Transaction refused because of an invalid argument. See additional
error messages for details).

Unable to understand whats happening $service->submitAll()

Best Answer

This FREE Magento Extension that supports PayPal payments for not supported currencies by PayPal might be helpful for you.

First of all, we need to setup multi-currency shop (System -> Configuration -> GENERAL -> Currency Setup).

enter image description here

Then, we do necessary setup for PayPal Payment Method (System -> Configuration -> SALES -> Payment Methods).

enter image description here

After installing this module, you can go to System -> Configuration -> SALES -> Payment Methods -> Paypal Multi Currency and make necessary settings over there.

enter image description here

Here is the checkout page where you can see USD equivalent amount being displayed on Order Review step.

enter image description here

Finally, after the order is placed, the following information is displayed in Sales -> Orders in Magento admin/backend.

enter image description here

PS: The images above are taken from the extension's github.