Magento – Paypal Express Checkout redirects to cart for United States


I have setup Paypal Express and that works fine if I create an order for Germany (Merchant Country) and some other countries.

But if I select United States in step "2. Billing Information" I get a wrong redirected after step "5. Payment Information". Instead of Paypal I get redirected to /checkout/cart.

In /var/log/exception.log i found:

exception 'Mage_Core_Exception' with message 'PayPal NVP gateway
errors: The field Shipping Address State is required (#10729: Shipping
Address State Empty). Correlation ID: 15fb525b60ff5. Version: 72.0.'
in htdocs/app/Mage.php:579

Best Answer

I had a NoState plugin installed. After uninstalling it the problem disappeared.

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