Magento – Paypal express shipping methods


When using Paypal express, the shipping options shown in Paypal are not the clean the versions that the customer should see. Instead they see options like –

matrixrate_matrixrate_3378 Select Sh: £5.00 GBP

matrixrate_matrixrate_3374 Select Sh: £5.00 GBP

matrixrate_matrixrate_3373 Select Sh: £9.99 GBP

freeshipping_freeshipping Free – Sto: £0.00 GBP

I'm aware that this is a known problem, but I haven't found answers on how to correct it, or even choose not to display the shipping options in Paypal.

Anyone have any ideas?


Best Answer

We're running Magento EE 1.12 and there is at least an option to prevent the shipping options from showing up in Paypal under the Express Checkout basic settings in the Magento Admin:

Magento Admin Screenshot

When Transfer Shipping Options is set to Yes they show up, when it's set to No, they don't. We chose not to display them since they are formatted so strangely. We're not using a shipping extension either. Just the built in shipping options. Would definitely love to hear from anyone who's found a way to display these shipping options in a customer friendly way on the Paypal side.

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