Magento 1.9 – Fix PayPal Express ‘Skip Order Review Step’ Issue


Using Magento 1.9 PayPal Payments Pro (Includes Express Checkout). In the Express Checkout configuration I've set

  • Skip Order Review Step = Yes
  • Enable PayPal Guest Checkout = Yes

In testing PayPal presents different options depending on guest or logged in selection

  • As a guest – "Click continue to Complete" button
    enter image description here
  • As a logged in user – "You're almost done, review on actual site"
    enter image description here

Ideally I'd like to have both flows work as it does for the guest flow now. Presumably that's what Skip Order Review Step is supposed to do? Is it a bug perhaps, or some other configuration detail I'm missing on the Magento or PayPal side?

Best Answer

After a call with a PayPal integration engineer I finally figured it out! The Skip Order Review Step only works when customers first work their way through the Magento checkout flow, then when they get to the Payment Method option select PayPal. In this case if you have Skip Order Review Step set to Yes it will indeed skip a final confirmation step on Magento, bill the customer and redirect them to /checkout/onepage/success/ in Magento.

This is not the case for the so called 'Shortcut' links optionally displayed on the product and cart pages. You'll see the two options Shortcut on Shopping Cart and Shortcut on Product View. This is the button I was clicking that raised this question... In my case I was clicking from the cart page. The reason PayPal has to send the customer through a review step in this case is because Magento hasn't collected shipping address or shipping method, so PayPal has to capture at a minimum shipping address and billing address, and optionally shipping method then pass it back over to Magento for a final review.

Long story short - I've disabled both the 'Shortcut' buttons!